Stay on top of every deal: track progress with the new Deal Room Activity feed

Sep 23, 2024

Read. 4 min.

Stay on top of every deal: track progress with the new Deal Room Activity feed

When multiple deals are running at the same time, with multiple stakeholders involved in each, it can become challenging to keep track of the latest and greatest that need your attention. With the new activity feed, you’re able to easily keep track and get notified when new activity is relevant to you – so you can take the best next step quickly.

Get notified whether you’re the room owner, collaborator, or buyer

It’s important that all members of a room have access to the latest activity to be able to run an efficient selling and buying process. No one should be left in the dark. The new activity feed can be accessed both from GetAccept’s Room overview and from the room itself.

Room owners

If you’re the room owner, you typically want to know everything that’s going on in a room so that you can stay in control of the deal progression. You want to be able to act quickly and keep up momentum. And this is now easier than ever with the new Deal Room activity feed, which will notify you about activity such as:  

Room visits
When your participants have visited a room for the first time, or if they are coming back to it. This will help you to keep a close eye on the engagement levels of the deal. 

New invitations
When a buyer participant has invited their colleague –a potential stakeholder – to the room. This empowers you to understand who is involved in winning a deal, and ensuring the best possible introduction

Chat messages & comments
When buyers or collaborators create new threads, create group chats, tag someone else, or reply somewhere, you will know about it so you can go in and answer any questions that might arise. 

When there is a new task completion in the mutual action plan, or if a new file is uploaded, you will know about it so you can initiate the next step. 

Room collaborators

If you’re a room collaborator, you want to get notified about things that could impact the deal progression, which will allow you to support in the best way possible. As a collaborator you will be notified about, among other things: 

When a new stakeholder enters the room, helping you to keep track of who’s involved and engage with them if needed. 

Chat messages & comments
When someone else mentions you in a chat or comment, or replies to you, so you can answer in a timely manner. 

Just as with the room owner, you as a collaborator will also be notified when someone completes a task in the mutual action plan or uploads documentation. This way you are able to confidently proceed with the next step towards closing the deal.

Buyer participant

The buyers will only receive notifications on the activities that matter most to them, keeping their buyer experience clutter-free. Buyers get notified about activity that’s new to them since they last entered the room, so they’re able to get up to speed quickly and stay in control of the deal from their end. This will include; 

Chat & comments
The buyer will know if someone has messaged them in the chat, replied to a comment, or if they are mentioned anywhere in the room. This enables the buyer to keep up to speed with the conversations. 

The buyer is also notified when they are assigned to, or have completed, a task in the action plan, as well as if someone else has added a new file to the room. This helps the buyer understand where in the purchasing process they are, and what the agreed uponnext steps will be.

How do you access the activity feed?

There are two ways to access the activity feed: from the bell on the Room overview in GetAccept, or from the Deal Room itself. As a room owner or room collaborator, you’re able to access all activity feeds from one view when you’re logged into GetAccept. This means you don’t have to go into each and every room to get updated on the room details. Huge time saver!

DR | Activity feed | Room activity -1
Buyers are able to access the activity feed from the updated bar at the top of each room. This includes a notification bell, which will take the buyer straight to the activity feed, where they can take any necessary action. In the new top bar you’ll also find analytics and settings under the new menu to the right.

DR | Activity feed | buyer view-1

Track activity in detail and check off as you go

When you open the activity feed you’re able to see all activity under the All tab. ALongside that, you have a tab for updates on each of the following: Chat, Comments, and Other. The activity feed is built as a checklist, which enables you to check off activity as you’ve seen it or taken action. If you don’t check it off, you can leave it unread until you have time to deal with it. This helps to make sure that no actions fall between the cracks. Furthermore, from each item you’re able to take action by clicking Go there. 

DR | Activity feed | Go there

We hope you enjoy this new feature release in the Deal Room and that it will help you be more efficient in your sales processes, by empowering you to take the right action at the right time. If you want to learn more about how to navigate the Activity feed, please check out our help article

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