Fast growing GetAccept recruits Jakob Bignert, previously Head of Product at Evernote

GetAccept hires Jakob Bignert as new VP Product to further invest in product development amid ambitious growth plans.


Oct 7, 2020


1 min.

Fast growing GetAccept recruits Jakob Bignert, previously Head of Product at Evernote

Since the start in 2016, GetAccept has doubled its turnover year over year. 2020 is no exception, as revenues are expected double down again. The company has ambitious growth plans going forward and as part of their strategy, GetAccept will invest even further in their product development by recruiting Jakob Bignert as GetAccept's new VP Product.

Jakob comes to GetAccept with several years of experience from the US based company Evernote, where he was hired as the first Product Manager and was involved in developing the successful Note Taking App from scratch. Most recently, Jakob has worked as VP Product at the Swedish company Apptus. With his experience, Jakob will be the key person to lead GetAccept's product-led growth strategy to further scale up the business moving forward.

“I’m thrilled to be joining the team at GetAccept. I’ll be bringing valuable experience from my time at Evernote, but also more recently from Apptus, which I will further develop within GetAccept. GetAccept's product is already great and has all the fundamental attributes to succeed and scale with a product led growth strategy, and I look forward to leading that mission going forward.”, says Jakob Bignert, VP Product.

GetAccept provides the next generation platform for Sales Enablement and e-signing. The company has grown from 30 to over 100 employees and opened up new offices in several markets worldwide the two years.

“The companies that are the best at attracting the right people, with the right knowledge, are the ones who will become market leaders in their category. Jakob has "seen the movie before" and with his experience within product development and from fast-growing companies in Silicon Valley, GetAccept will take the next step to change how B2B sales are done in an increasingly digital world.", says Samir Smajic, CEO and founder of GetAccept.